Current DH Gate Coupon Codes for Sublimation Blanks (August 2022)

current dh gate coupon codes

Content may include affiliate links to online retailer that qualify us for earnings. If we can find multiple retailers, we may include links to different retailers so you may compare prices.

This year, we announced that we would no longer import tumblers for resale. Instead, we are showing you how we buying them cheap by using DH Gate Coupon codes and we also link to some vendors we’ve used.

Links to DH Gate Sublimation Vendor

Link: Where I ordered the 50 Silver Sublimation Blank Tumblers for $4.50 each

Link: If I were buying 50 White Sublimation Blank tumblers

On this page, we will do our best to LINK TO current and valid coupon DH Gate codes during 2022 that can be used on DH Gate when buying a stash of sublimation blanks or other items you may want to purchase for less than wholesale.

Coupon codes in the below table must be entered at Checkout Screen EXACTLY as they Appear. Caps and Lower Case Sensitive!!

DH Gate COUPONS for 2022: August 1-31

$50$5DHAug5OFFGet $5 off on orders over $50!
$80$8DHAug8OFFGet $8 off orders over $80
$100$10DHAug10OFFGet $10 off on orders over $100!
$200$20DHAug20OFFGet $20 off orders over $200
$300$24DHAug24OFFGet $24 off orders over $300
$500$30DHAug30OFFGet $30 off on orders over $500!
$1000$40DHAug40OFFGet $40 off orders over $1000
case sensitive coupon codes

Timeframe: GOOD THROUGH August 2022 DH Gate Coupon Codes

How DH Gate Coupons Work

Important! DH Gate Coupon codes have usage limits, so if it says “maximum reached”, then the maximum number of people have redeemed them and they will longer work. If that happens, try a different code.

We HIGHLY recommend you watch our video that shows how we buy tumblers (or any sublimation blank) if you are new to DH Gate or importing. Our Video can be found at the bottom of this page as well as link to tumbler sources as discovered in our tutorial.

These SPECIAL promos last until the end of August 2022

Links to Sublimation Blank Tumblers from our DH Gate video:

How do Coupon Codes Work on DH Gate (and How to Use Them)

DH Gate Coupon codes change at least Monthly, sometimes even more frequently. Also, most DH Gate coupon codes have a max number of uses plus an expiration date. For instance: a Dh Gate Coupon code may be good through August 31, 2022 or 3,000 uses (whichever comes first).

So if 3000 people have claimed a coupon code prior to August 31, 2022, you will see a message: max uses reached. If that happens, try another code…if you have one.

Here is how you use the DH Gate Codes Listed:

  1. Know a Valid Coupon Code
  2. In the Checkout Screen you’ll enter the coupon code in the “Coupon/Promo” Box.
  3. You MUST Enter the Coupon code exactly as written, paying attention to capital letters vs. lower case letters.
  4. Hit “apply” or “enter” and the savings will be deducted from your total.

Our Video Tutorial about Buying Tumblers on DH Gate